
Our history spans decades full of innovations and milestones

From our beginnings to today, we have constantly evolved to meet the changing demands of the market. This journey reflects our continuous adaptability and development as we have faced challenges and opportunities.

Our history

25 successful years ...

In 1998, our company was founded and began its journey in contact center software development. This was the beginning of an era in which technology revolutionised customer service.

VoIP (Voice-over-IP) gained momentum and enabled cost-effective and high-quality telecommunication. Contact centres began to integrate VoIP technology to improve their communications.

Sikom becomes a partner in the "EMBASSI" research project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Sikom exhibits at CeBIT in co-operation and with a joint stand together with the Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

The year 2000 sees the increased use of email in contact centers, which expanded customer communication. This lays the foundation for worldwide accessibility and the use of written communication.

Sikom presents itself and its products at CeBIT with its first own stand.

The German Federal Foreign Office becomes a Sikom customer. An information system with a switchboard and fax retrieval service is provided. With the Sikom system, people can obtain early information from the Federal Foreign Office on entry recommendations, immunisation and security issues for individual countries.

CRM systems are integrated into contact center solutions to facilitate access to customer information. Contact centres are able to improve customer service through personalised interactions.

Sikom files a patent for a method and device for establishing two voice connections to a CTI workstation (computerised telephony).

Sikom's ACD solution provides a computer-based voice menu that guides or connects each caller to where their individual enquiry is being handled.

The use of social media for customer interactions increases dramatically and companies have to adapt. Contact centers begin to offer customer service via social media platforms.

A voice dialogue system (IVR) from Sikom is introduced at the mail order company Quelle in Nuremberg. Deutsche Post AG with Postbank is also acquired as a customer.

The cooperation with Siemens deepens and other major customers are interested in Sikom solutions, including Neckermann, the data processing company of the savings banks, dvg Hannover and the call center division of C&A.

Multi-channel communication becomes standard as customers expect seamless transitions between different channels. Contact centers adapt to meet this demand.

The company's growth is healthy and continuous. Sikom has 16 employees and the list of well-known partners and customers is growing. Another trade fair becomes a fixed date for Sikom: CallCenterWorld (CCW) in Berlin.

With the "SmartCenter", Sikom now has a technically high-quality contact center solution and well-known companies discover Sikom as experts for voice-controlled communication solutions.

2004 brings further technological advances, including improved reporting and analysis tools. Contact centers become more efficient and are able to respond better to customer needs.

With 25 employees, Sikom has considerably expanded its resources. In addition to the headquarters in Heidelberg and the development center in Zwickau, there are four further sales locations in Germany.

Sikom organises a "Best Practice Day" for the first time, and the event, which has been held annually ever since, is later continued under the name " Sprache ohne Grenzen" (Language without Borders). Renowned speakers and experts discuss the future and application scenarios of modern voice technology with Sikom customers.

The introduction of cloud technologies gives contact centers more flexibility and scalability. This enables companies to adapt more quickly to changing requirements.

Five new employees strengthen the team, which now has 30 members. Sikom continues to develop its brand and its external appearance with a fresh corporate design.

Sikom files another patent for a method and arrangement for the loose coupling of independently operating web and voice portals.

With the rise of smartphones, mobile customer communication becomes increasingly important. Contact centers adapt their services to the mobile needs of their customers.

Two further sales offices are added, meaning that Sikom is now represented at eight locations in Germany. Sikom also takes over High Soft Tech GmbH (HST), Hamburg.

Sikom also applies for a further patent for a method and arrangement for acoustic control in a communication network.

Companies increasingly introduce self-service options such as IVR systems and automated FAQs. This enables customers to get answers to their questions quickly and easily.

Around 50 employees now work for Sikom at nine locations. At CeBIT, Sikom once again receives the TeleTalk "Best of CeBIT" award.

Sikom also exhibits at VO.IP for the first time and wins the "Applications for VoiceIdent" (voice verification) award.

Companies begin to place the customer experience at the centre of their strategies. Contact centers are geared towards offering tailored and positive customer experiences.

This year, Sikom was once again honoured with the "Innovation Award" from the Initiative Mittelstand and the TeleTalk Award "Best of CeBIT".

"SIKOM contactone" is registered as a trademark, the products and product enhancements "AgentOne 4.1", "AgentOneProcessGuide" and "ConferenceAssistant" are introduced.

The global economic crisis leads to increased pressure on companies to work more efficiently. Contact centres are looking for ways to reduce costs and optimise processes.

At the VO.IP Germany Sikom wins the award „Applikationen für Voice Analytics Suite“ (applications for Voice Analytics Suite).

"United voice ID" (further development of VoiceIdent) and "BlueFirecontactone" (HST) receive a trademark entry.

Social media is recognised as an important channel for customer service. Companies begin to respond specifically to customer enquiries and complaints on social media.

As in 2005, 2007 and 2009, Sikom takes first place at Voice+IP Germany and wins the „Applikationen für AgentOne®“ (Applications for AgentOne®) award.

The seventh Sikom Best Practice Day has been given a breath of fresh air and is now called „Sprache ohne Grenzen“ (Language without Borders).

Omnichannel strategies become increasingly important in contact centers as customers expected seamless interactions. Companies adapt their approaches to meet the growing demand for omnichannel communication.

Sikom expands its presence in Germany and adds two more sales offices. There are now nine locations.

A further Sikom patent is registered for methods and arrangements for creating situation-specific multimedia protocols using a telecommunications network with web and voice portals.

Big data and advanced analytics enable companies to gain valuable insights into customer behaviour and preferences. Contact centres use this data to offer personalised services.

Our presence at the "Altenpflege" trade fair continues and we are also taking part in the „StrategieTagen für CRM & Call Center“ (Strategy Days for CRM & Call Centers).

Sikom also adds "BCS", a ticket and project control system, to its solution portfolio.

Mobile apps and chatbots are increasingly used for customer service. These technologies improve customer interaction and efficiency.

Sikom is celebrating its 15th anniversary and is now one of the market leaders in the field of call centre software and multimedia voice applications.

Version 5.2 of the "AgentOne" call center platform is introduced.

Data protection and compliance become key concerns in customer service. Companies step up their efforts to manage customer data securely.

Sikom is once again a finalist for the German Industry Innovation Award, this time with the "Intelligent Audio Analysis System" (IAA system) project, and is honoured with the Top 100 Award for Germany's most innovative medium-sized companies.

Sikom also receives a first-class credit rating from CrefoZert (Creditreform), which will continue to be confirmed as first-class in the following years.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation change customer service through chatbots and intelligent assistance systems. Contact centers begin to integrate these technologies.

A new event is launched: the Sikom Customer Forum. Users from different companies and sectors are given the opportunity to exchange ideas and discuss specific topics and questions relating to the technology with each other and with Sikom experts. The forum continues to this day and will continue to do so in the future, with the dates often being linked to " Sprache ohne Grenzen ". Both conferences generate a great response.

Sikom is once again honoured with the Top 100 Award for the most innovative medium-sized companies.

The personalisation of customer interactions becomes the norm. Companies increasingly focus on creating customer-centric experiences.

The introduction of the universal client represents an important step: the independence of Sikom solutions from IT platforms and telephone systems.

The "AgentOne - ContactCenter from the cloud" controls fast and intelligent communication flows across all contact channels and end devices in companies, whether in branched corporate structures or in medium-sized companies - with maximum investment and IT security for Sikom customers.

Chat becomes the preferred communication channel for many customers. Companies increasingly focus on chat-based services.

For the third time, Sikom is honoured with the Top 100 Award for the most innovative medium-sized companies in Germany.

"We know all about communication" - with "AgentOne 6.0", the contact center from the cloud, platform-independent digitalisation and networking in the area of customer service is implemented in companies of all sizes and industries.

AI-supported chat bots and virtual assistants are developed to support human agents. Contact centers start to use these technologies to make customer service more efficient.

Natascha Hoffmeister joins the company as the second generation in the role of Managing Director. Her arrival not only marks a continuation of our family business history, but also a significant step towards shared success and future growth.

The orchestration of customer service activities across different channels is optimised. Companies strive to create seamless customer experiences.

Mitel certification for Sikom AgentOne®

The COVID-19 pandemic leads to an increased need for digital solutions and remote working. Contact centers quickly adapt to support customers during the pandemic.

Sikom honoured for sustainable business practices.

Artificial intelligence enables even deeper personalisation of customer interactions. Companies use AI to provide customised services.

The latest generation of Sikom AgentOne® can be used directly as an app in Microsoft Teams

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerates the digital transformation in contact centers as remote working and cloud-based solutions became necessary. Contact centers quickly adapt to the changing conditions and expand their digital offerings.

Sikom AgentOne® Cloud. We have developed Sikom AgentOne® Cloud as a Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS). This solution incorporates the best of our many years of experience in compact standard packages. Sikom AgentOne® in a public cloud is quickly available, scalable flexibly and can be migrated to the customised world of classic Sikom AgentOne® if required.

Artificial intelligence and automation have recently transformed the customer service industry. The integration of chat bots and automated processes optimises customer service and defines the future of contact centres.

The Sikom ContactCenter App has passed the Microsoft Office 365 certification

The new AgentOne® frontend enables seamless integration directly into Microsoft Teams.

Sikom is ISO 27001 certified

Our 25-year track record is a testament to our strength and commitment to the contact center industry. We are confident that we will continue to lead the way for the next 25 years by putting innovation and customer satisfaction at the centre of our mission.

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Die vielen guten Gründe!


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Wir lieben unsere Kunden ...

... und sie lieben uns

„Wir haben uns für die Sikom Lösung entschieden, weil die Konfiguration intuitiv und einfach ist und die Kommunikation mit Sikom reibungslos funktioniert."


"Das ContactCenter von Sikom bietet für die Sto SE & Co. KGaA das beste Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis. Nur so können unsere 90 Standorte in Deutschland mit über 500 Agenten optimal gesteuert werden."

Sto SE & Co. KGaA Stühlingen

"Mit der Sikom ContactCenter Lösung meistern wir tagtäglich ein immenses Anrufaufkommen. Dabei konnten dank der flexiblen Lösung unsere individuellen Anforderungen umgesetzt werden."

LVM Versicherung

„Wir arbeiten mit Sikom schon seit vielen Jahren zusammen und haben schon viele Herausforderungen mit Vertrieb und Entwicklung gemeistert. Sikom ist ein fairer Partner, mit dem man gerne auch außergewöhnliche Projekte angeht.

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